Monday, April 9, 2007

Tampa Chiropractor Discusses Nutrition

Dr. Edelson’s Protocol
10 R’s of Health Restoration (Adapted from Dr. John Brimhall's work and teachings)

1. Remove nerve interference
2. Rebalance electro magnetics
3. Reset adrenals and GAS (general adaptive syndrome)
4. Reprogram infective organisms
5. Replace enzymes and/or HCL
6. Reinnoculate the bowel flora
7. Repair Nutrition
8. Remove abnormal emotional patterns
9. Remove allergies and sensitivities.
10. Re-Program body for nutrient utilization & Remove Heavy Metals (Total Heavy Metals)

1. Remove Nerve Interference A. Instrument Adjusting Cervical Spine
B. Plus
C. Cat I Prone
D. Cat III Prone
E. Cat II Supine
F. Percussion: 1. Fascial 2. Spinal 3. Craniosacral/
Sternal 4. TMJ 5. Adhesions/scar tissue

2. Rebalance electromagnetics  Total Enzymes – Multi-polar magnet

3. Reset adrenals  Ligament stretch test - Rogoff- Raglan = DSF, reset adrenals, neutralizes G.A.S.,
Chemical and neurological switching. (This will upregulate other organ systems.)

4.. Reprogram  Yeast  Total Yst Redux
Virus  Total Virx, Total Multimune
Strep  Total Multimune, Total Virx, ISB
Staph  Total Multimune, Total Virx, ISB
Parasites  Total Para

5. Replace enzymes  Total Enzymes, HCL  Hypo D
6. Reinnoculate Bowel  Total Probiotics
7.. Repair  Liver  Glucosamine +, Total Liver D-tox
Gallbladder  GB-Liv, GB-Plus
Heart  Total Heart, Total Heart II
Homocysteine  Homocysteine Redux Kidney  Core Level Kidney
Lung  Core Level Lung, Super Ox
Blood Sugar  Vana Chrom, Core Level Pancreas
Immune System  Total Multimune, Total Systemic D-tox
Joints  Glucosamine +, Total CMO, Total Inflam
Upper Gut  Total Upper GI, Core Level Ileoduodenal
Leaky Gut  Total Leaky Gut, Super Ox
Bones-Osteoporosis  Total Calcium, Core Level Calcium
Male/Female Glands  Glan-Plus-F/ Glan-Plus-M, Core Level Orchic/Ovary
Detox  Total Systemic D-tox, Core Level D-tox
Multiple Support  Total GHR, Super Ox, C. L Health Reserve
8. Remove abnormal emotional patterns
9. Remove allergies and sensitivities.
10. Re-Program body for nutrient utilization & Remove Heavy Metals (Total Heavy etals)
Office directions

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